Nairobi Atelier

Nairobi, the New Milan

MOT’s flagship factory is based in Nairobi, Kenya just outside of Kibera, one of Africa’s largest slums. This MOT-built facility sponsors skilled tailors who are recruited from within Kibera to make designer women’s and men’s bags, creating sustainable livelihoods for its employees. The employees at the bag factory are able to work in a safe, comfortable, and clean environment. 

Our products are produced with respect for the earth and humankind. We closely examine the supply chain at each step of production and amp up the goodness associated with the raw materials that go into our products and for the people who make them. Therefore, social and environmental activism is woven into the fabric of our products. 

The purchase of MOT products enables sustainable development by providing income generating opportunities for our employees.

Please read more about our factory please: